When makeup doesnt give the beauty you want, then plastic surgery helps to recover the beauty. Mostly it is the makeup to get the perfect beauty. In many scenarios like burning, Disasters, infections, road accident and congenital defects, surgical Treatments reduce the risk of death. Every year, millions of people get Surgical treatments due to injuries and to treat malignancies.
The surgery can give help to relieve symptoms or make them go away. In this game many patients come to your hospital for surgical treatments. They suffer from acne problem, eye infection, etc. Be a good surgeon and provide Them a perfect surgery by checking their wounds, applying ointments, stitch their damaged parts and make them feel good. Many sterilized surgical instruments are Available in hospitals like cutting, grasping tool, hemostatic forceps, Clamps and districts are available. Use them to give proper surgery to the patient
and make them look better.
* Different diseased patients
* Useful surgical instruments